This is a Complete course for beginners.
Trough a lot of lessons and homeworks you can master your DevOps knowledge, skillset
Course Agenda
- Introduction to IT and Computer Science
- Python 01
- Linux 01 + bash scripting
- GitHub Actions, GitLab
- Ansible
- inventory
- modules
- roles
- Terraform
- project bootstraping
- providers
- state, remote state
- modules, resources
- variables, outputs
- workspaces vs separate projects states
- project bootstraping
- Containerization
- AWS under Free Tier + Terraform
- K8s workshop
- architecture overview
- work with basic components
- Pod, Deployment, StatefulSet
- namespaces
- ConfigMaps, Secrets
- CI/CD for containerized application
- e2e deploying application to K8s environment
- minikube + self hosted github actions
- Helm
- e2e deploying application to K8s environment
- GitOps basics
- ArgoCD
- Monitoring
- Zabbix, CloudWatch
- Azure workshop and course project
Course presentation on YouTube
- Teacher: Artem Hrechanychenko